Interview with Plant Sumo
Vegetables, Meal favorites, Inspiration and more... Click Here to View the Interview
View Article10 Yoga Poses for Saint Patrick's Day
By Hannah Faulkner Roman Let me start off by announcing that I am not Irish, nor have I been to Ireland. But, since childhood I’ve somehow worn green every year on Saint Patrick’s Day and as an adult...
View ArticleLa Dolce Interview
La Dolce Studio interviewed me with the following questions:How did you first get into pilates or yoga?In the last five years, what new belief, behavior, or habit has most improved your life?What is...
View ArticleSending Loving Kindness to You and Me
‘Tis the season’ to open your heart and let love shine through. Our heart organ and the space surrounding it, including the lungs, thymus gland, and thoracic spine make up an energy center that we...
View ArticleNew Year, New York: Right Angles & Right Action
Happy New Year! New York is a symbol of freedom in the New World as tens of thousands of immigrants flock here every year. Further, for each new year, over one billion people worldwide prefer to...
View ArticleAncient Tibetan Rites: Channel the Fountain of Youth through these Five...
Have you heard of the Fountain of Youth? Haven't you ever dreamed of a place where there was peace and security,Where living was not a struggle but a lasting delight?Of course you have.So has every...
View ArticleLove Yourself: Brahmacharya in Paris
“You yourself, as much as anybody in the universe deserves your love and affection.” - Buddha “Love yourself first and everything falls into line.” – Lucille Ball In order to have success in...
View ArticleSvadhyaya for Presidents' Day
As many of us enjoy a long weekend due to a holiday off of work, some of us pause to consider why. Presidents Day was created as a combination of celebrating the birthday of first President of the USA,...
View ArticleDancing Yoga for Carnival
Carnival is a Catholic influenced European folk culture holiday celebrated all around the world. It’s an opportunity to indulge and have fun before the forty-day period of fasting for Lent. To fast is...
View ArticlePalm Sunday Palm Tree of Yoga
Palm Sunday celebrates the laying of palm leaves in front of Jesus’ path, as he rode into Jerusalem on a donkey, from the Mount of Olives. In Ancient Rome, a palm frond, and even the tree itself, is...
View ArticleWhirling Yoga of Rumi
“You were born with wings.Why prefer to crawl through life?”-Rumi Have you ever encountered blissby spinning aroundin circles? I remember moments from my childhood, particularly when I was dressed...
View ArticleFlamingo Yoga
“What the flamingo teaches a that gravity is not just a limitation, but also a possible partner in an intriguing, potentially joyful game.” – John Burnside It’s summertime. A time to...
View ArticleDownward-Facing Dog Days of Summer
“Every dog must have his day.” ~ Jonathan Swift Dog Days are historically associated with the hottest days of summer and the period following the rising of the Dog Star, Sirius, from July 3 to August...
View ArticleVienna Music and Yoga
“Yoga is like music.The rhythm of the body,the melody of the mind,and the harmony of the soulcreates the symphony of life.”– B.K.S. Iyengar. When I think about Vienna, Austria, I automatically want to...
View ArticleGolden Prague: Spires, Steeples, and Temples
“All cities are jealous of Paris, but Prague is the envy of Paris.” -Alexandra Bracken Prague was coined “The golden city of 100 spires.” In the 19th century, 104 towers and spires could be counted...
View ArticleEmbodying Lakshmi on Diwali: Roar Like a Goddess
This blog post honors the magnificent teachings of Acharya Shunya in her book,Roar Like a Goddess: Every Woman’s Guide to Becoming Unapologetically powerful, Prosperous, and Peaceful Her teachings...
View ArticleYear of the Rabbit: WISHING YOU NEW YEAR GOODNESS!
Wishing you New Year Goodness! Sshin-nyen haoww (Mandarin pronunciation) The Chinese culture is unique because it is not only one of the oldest civilizations in history, but also the longest continuous...
View ArticleOm Mani Padme Hum
Hannah Faulkner on Everest Base Camp Trek 2017 OM MANI PADME HUM Bright white relief letters wrap around the black painted boulders. This script pops out at me, but at the same time blends in with...
View ArticleMount Fuji Breath of Fire
the Element of fire represents a transforamtion of energy. The Fire Element manifests in the heart of the sun to the warmth of a cup of coffee, from the molten core of our planet to the energy stored...
“A true artist is not one who is inspired but one who inspires others.”—Salvador Dalí ArtSarah Stieber, exalted as “San Diego’s Best Local Contemporary Artist” by Modern Luxury magazine declares that...
View Articlecat Art & Yoga with Kimball
"I have lived with many Zen masters...All of them cats."-Ekhart Tolle KIMBALL WILLSON is a local San Diego artist and yogiwho paints beautiful commissioned pet portraitscapturing the personality of...
View ArticleChinese Lunar New Year: 12 Zodiac Animal Yoga Poses
2024 year of the dragon Wishing you New Year goodness! Every year, people of the Chinese culture from all around the world, celebrate this time of year with good luck rites, house cleaning, family...
View ArticleMountain Day
Yama-no-hiToday is Mountain Day in Japan! This decade long national holiday is time set aside to familiarize people with the mountains as natural sanctuaries of peace and to appreciate their...
View ArticleYoga shapes: Triangle Pose
Trikonasana in Sanskrit translates to “tri” as three and “kona” meaning corners or angles. “Asana” refers to posture, symbolizing the geometric shape formed by the body in the pose. Triangle pose is a...
View ArticleShine Like a Star
At Christmastime, many of us place a star on top of the tree.Do you ever wonder why? The 18th century witnessed the inception of placing a single, large candle at the Christmas tree’s apex, embodying...
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